Facing the "reception desk" in the office
We always welcome customers politely

With the launch of the beauty reception, no one is needed at the reception.
Visitors only need to tap the iPad and then press the call button.
The receptionist in the app will always smile and call the person in charge.

Free installation fee for receiving system

It is available for free and is free every month (except for the premium version). You can easily use the reception system.

All you need is a tablet or smartphone

Even if you don't have a landline or dedicated terminal, you can use the smartphone you are currently using, or if you have the Internet, you can use it as an incoming terminal.

Answer incoming calls anytime, anywhere

If you have an internet connection, you can answer calls not only in the office but also on the go.

You can check the other party through a video call

Not only audio, but also real-time video will be transmitted to the input screen. You can respond after confirming the other party, so it is safe to prevent crime.

Premium version

Also set the company logo

You can set the company logo, which is the company's avatar.

Support 4 languages

In addition to Japanese, Korean and Chinese are also supported. We can also handle companies with many foreign customers.

The receptionist can change

You can choose who you want to be the representative of the company from 8 receptionists.

* Prices may change at any time.


1 month
*The deadline is automatically updated within one month from the date of application.

Billing method

You will be charged through your registered iTunes account. It will be updated automatically every month.
※*Unless you cancel the automatic update at least 24 hours before the end date of the beauty reception period, it will be automatically updated next month.。
After the automatic renewal, you will be charged within 24 hours after the membership period ends.